My passion for health and beauty was ignited in 1979 and since then I believe every one can be their own best

With over three decades of unrivaled experience in Accounting and Auditing, I am dedicated to empowering small business owners to grow.

My venture into Annique Rooibos dates back to 2001 when I sought to bring balance to my life. At that time, I was engrossed in the demanding world of accountancy. I yearned for a change that not only offered a different path but also allowed me to make a meaningful impact while creating an additional source of income. My journey commenced by personally experiencing the benefits of our products and sharing these remarkable results with my close-knit circle of family and friends. Fast forward to 2018, I made the resolute decision to qualify for the overseas incentive trip to Alaska.  Since then, my Annique Business has flourished, and I’ve had the privilege of enjoying three Overseas Incentive trips.

Today I recruit and train Consultants to start and grow their own health and beauty business, managing a team of over 300 Annique Rooibos Consultants.

This is absolutely a case of
“you have nothing to lose, everything to gain, and if you don’t just try you will never know”

Look forward to send you contect to add value to your life

Anna-Marie Craven



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