Resque Emergency kit
In the bag
Resque Mist 100ml
A multi-functional product that reduces the symptoms of colds, flu, sinusitis and bronchitis.
It is excellent for neck and muscle pain, headaches, sinus and hay fever and is also a great mood-lifter during stressful moments when you need to be calm. It brings instant relief from insect bites and skin irritation or rashes. This product is formulated with wintergreen, eucalyptus, peppermint oil, camphor and menthol to help provide relief from neck and muscular pain, headaches, sinus, hay fever and to assist with blood circulation.
Resque Crème 30ml
Annique has harnessed the soothing power of Resque Crème, to help provide relief from many everyday skin ailments. This product is a ‘must’ for skin emergencies. Resque Creme bring relief to itching skin resulting from allergies, dryness, insect bits.
Resque ZeroAche+ 75ml
Annique Resque ZeroAche+ has been formulated with natural ingredients and Rooibos extract to help provide relief from muscle aches, stiffness, sprains, bruises, strains and rheumatism.
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